Jarmila Chaloupková, singing - Brian Wright, lute

Lutesongs Biography J. Chaloupková B. Wright Repertoir Česky
Media Recordings Photographs Other Contacts Francais

Brian Wright

fotografie B. Wrighta

Lutenist Brian Wright is a Fellow of Trinity College of Music (London) and studied with Anthony Rooley, Adele Kramer, Michael Jesset and Anthony Gilbert (composition).

He has given recitals at music societies, festivals, independent schools; performed on radio and TV and for the National Trust throughout the UK.

International recitals, teaching, adjudication at competitions, radio and TV have taken place in Italy, Spain, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, France, Holland, Germany, Eire, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Bulgaria, China, Belarus and the USA. Many of his international concerts have been supported by the British Council.

For the past 17 years he has taught at the International Summer School of Early Music in Valtice, Czech Republic.

He is a published composer and has provided music for TV films.

He has made a number of recordings and his compositions and arrangements have been played by leading lutenists and guita-rists.

fotografie B. Wrighta
Lutesongs Biography J. Chaloupková B. Wright Repertoir Česky
Media Recordings Photographs Other Contacts Francais