Jarmila Chaloupková, singing - Brian Wright, lute

Lutesongs Biography J. Chaloupková B. Wright Repertoir Česky
Media Recordings Photographs Other Contacts Francais


Fotografie p. Chaloupkové a p. Wrighta

Jarmila Chaloupkova and Brian Wright have given concerts throughout the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland and Belgium. In Belgium they gave a concert at the Czech Cultural Centre. They have also given master classes in Prague and Slovakia.

They have recorded for the Czech Broadcasting Corporation and in 2003 they made a film for Czech TV on the subject of their concert activities.

Although Brian Wright has given concerts in the USA before (various Universities, including Cornell 1992), they made their first tour together in 2004, the highlights being concerts at the National Czech and Slovak Museum in Cedar Rapids (IW) and the National Music Museum in Vermillion (S.D.). They returned again to the U.S.A. in 2006, this time giving concerts in San Francisco and Mendocino (California).

Their programmes contain music and songs from the Golden Age of the lute including composers such as John Dowland, Giulio Caccini and Henry Purcell. Currently they are engaged in extending the repertoire with songs by Franz Schubert and Antonin Dvorak, and in the creation of a completely new and exciting lute song repertoire with works by Leos Janacek, Bohuslav Martinu, Petr Eben and Brian Wright.

Demonstration CDs, cassettes, videos and sample programmes are available on request.

Lutesongs Biography J. Chaloupková B. Wright Repertoir Česky
Media Recordings Photographs Other Contacts Francais